A 6 hour course for Leaders and Managers - delivered as a bespoke workshop over one or two days, for you and your team, in either English or Italian
Delivered by Marco Bertagni & Marco Barozzi
Business is getting emotional when it comes to customer experience strategies.
The traditional rational consumer model has been challenged by a more intuitive consumer model. Rather than viewing customers as essentially rational in their decision making, the role of emotions in our decision making has received an increasing amount of attention and consideration. It is also a key component of building employee’s and customer’s trust.
The collaboration of fields and disciplines such as marketing, psychology, behavioral economics, and neuroscience have opened this relatively new view of consumer behavior understanding. Aristotle declared the human being to be a rational animal. However, humans are largely emotional beings, too. Hence, customer behaviour is emotionally driven, almost entirely. And we have the science to back it up.
We will go through the latest languages of communication by mapping the values the Company wishes to share with potential clients during the exhibition and we will have an overview of how to design an effective booth, while still keeping in mind the main commercial and organizational rules of how to set up a fair , as well as post-exhibition management. We will also update Companies on the latest post-Covid-19 trends of exhibitions.
This course is designed to be delivered as a bespoke course for the needs of you and your team. To find out more and discuss booking options and prices please email marco@bertagniconsulting.com or complete the checkout and we will be in touch with you very soon.
(note the price is not the price payable for the course and completing the checkout does not create any kind of contract between us for delivery of anything more than options discussions)